Monday, July 26, 2004

Recording Day 2

Well we aren't quite to the recording phase but we worked through most of the gear, mic'd up the drums and are recording through the line ins as well as through the ADAT light pipe.

Other than learning on the fly about digital clocking, and isolating a couple of noisy cables, things went rather smoothly. It took about 2.5 hours to get things up and going, and we were able to successfully simultaneously record 10 tracks live to disc. I'm confident running up to 16 tracks live will not be a problem and will likely be something we test tonight.

Toward the end of the night we figured out how to break out separate mixes so I can get a mix with a click track and no drums, and the rest of the band can get some drums and no click through their headphones.

All in all the Digi 002R is a very cool piece of gear.

The mission for tonight will be to tune the drums and likely replace some of the drum heads.

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