Monday, August 23, 2010

Old is new again

Well after having my car for nearly 7 years I decided it was time to get a new car. I wasn'tplanning on doing this right now, but after too many repairs this year, tires, alternator, belts, and then warning signs for a new clutch I decided to do what my Mom always did. When a car starts to break down, don't fix it, just trade it in for a new one. :-)

Here is one of the last pics of my old car and a couple of pics of the new one. Yes, it is basically a new version of my old one. Upgrading from a 2003 530i to a 2011 528i.I didn't think the drive and experience would be so drastic. My previous car was very nice and I had no complaints about the car it self. But this new car drives has both an amazing ride, and is decked out with outrageous technology. Starting with the navigation, smartphone, blue-tooth, and it even has a hard drive for time-shifting radio and for ripping CDs to your car. Some of these things I didn't even know they were doing.

The first road trip will be to Las Vegas in October. Can't wait.

Here is a link of the car I picked up today, down to the exact colors and options..


Anonymous said...

So pleased I made the blog! Looks awesome! Can't wait for our Vegas visit in Oct. Our big news is that we just had an all house grenerator installed; I've named it "POM" for "piece of mind." Wanted one ever since Alicia. Your Daddy hot wired us then...this is the ultimate in hurricane you! Can't wait to see you and the car! Love, Mama xxxooo

ian said...

Enormous reasons to view this article absoulutly great...

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